Two directors are managing the GES under the leadership and guidance from Managing Director and Chairperson, who apart from providing expert services themselves mobilize the professional services of its full time staffs.
The company additionally makes Services available from other individual consultants, each of whom are specialist in their field. They are available to the company as when required for consultation, in order to ascertain that the company provides the highest caliber of Service.
When involute studies and projects demand the amalgamation of services of sizably voluminous numbers of disciplines, from overall orchestrating to civil structural, electronics, computer, electrical, economics, mathematical modeling, special investigations, architecture and mechanical engineering, environmental science, operation and management etc., GES is in a position to meet these authoritative ordinances.
GES has the ability to offer its clients the full coverage of consulting services as special needs arises, while also helping them avoid the complications and delays, often caused by the necessity of having to deal separately with several consultants.